Astral Hippie Astrology Celestial Promise
Astrology Blog
A new dawn, a new day
A new dawn, a new day
Mar 19, 2020
Liezl James

Aries Astrological new year

Light the spark, harness a little luck and longevity!

The next week is a humdinger!!!  The tides of change bring us a brand new Astrological Year! (20 March 2020).  This takes place at the moment of the Equinox, when the sun moves into the Astrological sign of Aries.

Envision and action your desires during 20 - 28 March 2020.

Imagineer your new year

1. Breathe in gratitude, and imagineer your new year.  This is a grand time to envision your future.  Consider what YOU want!

2. Do something physical about your intentions.  Put a desired outcome picture on your fridge or make a vision board - plant the seed.  You could even go full-out and write down your goals,  plot a plan, and seal it in a bottle.

This year the suns entry into the fiery first sign of Aries is enhanced with a little luck and longevity. In New Zealand, the Equinox chart (20-03-2020, Auckland, 4:49 pm) has the rising sign of Leo, symbolising the heart, and hearth, of the home.  Light the spark and let it warm your soul.

Any new ideas, actions and intentions put out into the universe now are accompanied with good fortune (Mars joins Jupiter 21 March). 

Your 'actioned' desires also have a larger than usual chance of being around for the long haul.  These are not just momentary impetuous wishes.  If you give your deepest yearning due consideration, initiate the action, and do the work ... you have a grand chance of achieving your long term goals! (Mars in Capricorn; Saturn moves ideas forward into Aquarius 22 March).

Be bold, think big, and burn bright

Expansive thinking and an injection of super power make this an almost boundless time!  Dream big, and consider how to make it happen (Mars-Jupiter, Mars-Pluto 23 March).

"This is no time to be a chick-shit Francis!"     'Under the Tuscan Sun' movie.

And for the cherry on top of all this fabulous time to manifest ... there's a supportive fresh new moon in Aries following the new year fireworks! (24 March) The sun and moon add their luminous power and symbolism of VISION to the beginning of the new Astrological year.

The best and brightest add their blessings

This week of wow! is book-ended with the beauticiously gracious and joyous Venus, and always magnanimous Jupiter twinkling at each other (28 March).  These two planets are the brightest in the sky, and add their bountiful blessings to the next week.

This particular goodness is activated when you do something.  It adds a sprinkle of faerie dust and magic to the things you do.

There is a strong element of earth in these blessings (Venus-Taurus, Jupiter-Capricorn).

Perhaps we are being encouraged to recognise the blessings in 'simple beauty that knows no bounds'.

Reach out, connect, empathise, show love and compassion. The earth is taking a breath, why don't you join her?

Auspicious day

May your most wonderful visions grow out of this high energy new start to the Astrological New year.

Bountiful cosmic wishes to you all. Stay safe, be happy, make it happen!

xxx Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

[Republished from prior website; shares, likes and comments omitted]

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