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Be the change
Be the change
Feb 02, 2022
Liezl James

Aquarius Lunar Cycle

Wherever you find Aquarius in your birth chart > that is where you change the world. 

Free Astro guide here to look up your chart.


Big Picture

Aquarius sun sign

Everyone has all 12 signs in their birth chart.

Imagine a pie cut into 12, one segment for each sign. Each one of those pieces of pie also corresponds to a particular area of your life, such as home, work, relationships etc.

The sun moves through all 12 zodiac signs in a year. If the sun was passing through Aquarius when you were born, there is a spotlight on that area. 

This means your core identity is expressed in an Aquarian way (i.e. totally unique, genius wacka-a-doodle, better humanity types).

Those of us that are not Aquarius babies may have any of the other 9 planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) placed in that sign. This also highlights the Aquarian energy in our lives.

Even if that piece of your birth chart has no planets in it, it is still absolutely relevant because its ruler Saturn is somewhere in your chart.

Saturn energy has been a big deal since 2017, and will continue to be until March 2023 when it leaves the sign of Aquarius.

The deets

The reason I’m talking about pie, is that the Aquarius new moon occurred on 1 Feb, making the next  2 weeks all about the Aquarian energy. The sun, moon and Saturn all congregated to set the tone for the next lunar cycle.

Where are you being called to change the world? Perhaps its in cleverly improving your daily processes, or how you interact with your family.  It may be about how you raise your kids, your career, your unique partnerships, or how you invest.

We are all being called to live our brilliant quirkiness, because that’s how we change the world.

Aquarius lunation

The seeds we plant in the next 2 weeks, will mature at the next Aquarian full moon in 6 months (August 2022). 

It’s not so much about specific goals (though this is a good energy to create a new road map). 

It is about imagining better, doing better, and achieving our dreams. 

Taking small steps, often.  Live the essence of your goal.  Move towards clarity and growth in all the ways.

The hard truth

This new moon is not all float away on a feather stuff. Its intellectual, thought driven, and could overwhelm you with endless strategies and to do lists.

That slave driver of a mind could insist that if it’s not all done right now, perfectly, while balancing on a sword edge and doing flick-flacks - you have failed, and let the whole galaxy down.  

Not true.

The key to managing this energy is to bring some empathy into your personal plans, some heart.

If you balance your mind and heart, you can do great things! Lasting things of meaning.

Wise and clever things that bring a new level of smart-mess to your everyday – for a long time!

Our impact on the planet

Aquarius is also about humanity, our planet, the greater good.

Because it’s able to step back from the deep well of emotions - Aquarian energy gives us a dry eyed but caring outlook on how to help. It’s smart, and strategic, and aims for long term change that make the world a better place.

That may mean bringing some emotional intelligence to the workplace.  Or perhaps its about having  compassion for yourself by acknowledging you only have so many hours in a day.  Maybe you set boundaries around restrictive things, doing only what you are comfortable with, so you can explore beyond them.

It is also about belief.

Belief in more,

belief in better,

belief in mutually beneficial ideas.

The Genius

Aquarius genius

Look out for ideas, insights, and ways to do it differently over the next two weeks.  

Your contemplations may shock you, but make so much sense.  

Your ideas may be brazen and culture-clashing, but have such an impact!  

Your pondering may be quietly eccentric, and open up a new way forward.

Aquarius breaks the bonds we know and looks beyond. This lunar cycle is giving you the heart to go with the mind, so you can step forward and change the world as we know it – your way.

Think of it as a disciplined rebel energy. It’s not burning down buildings for the sake of anarchy, it’s creating new bamboo houses that save the planet. It’s not shouting wildly in protest, it’s creating new communities that support sustainability. It is about doing life differently, authentically, for the good of personal expression, as well as the good of all.

That’s how you change the world – you live and be your authentic self. And bring your genius ideas out into the world. That could be in your kitchen, or on a world stage.

The principle is the same – it’s YOUR idea that is changing it!

Use this time over the next two weeks (until 16 February) to express your brilliant flair, live your quirk , and share your genius. Your magic will change the world around you in some way.

Watch out for over thinking, straining your nervous system, and being too rigid.

It’s about bending, not breaking.

Full Steam Ahead

Mercury goes direct on 3 February, and starts picking up speed on 5 February.

This means it is time to start taking action on all those things you’ve been mulling over since mid-January.

In the last two weeks Uranus and Venus have gone direct, and now Mercury has too. There are now NO retrograde planets– and its full steam ahead!!

Time to PDCA > plan > do > check > act.

Plan what you want to move forward on, do it, check where tweaks may be required, then act on those adjustments.

Life is not one action and one moment, the train is chugging along now, so keep your process moving forward.

Focus on what you can, and build some strategic planning and action on that. You can’t change it all in one day, but you can certainly focus on making one part better.

Hot Lightning

Mars and Aquarius

Any firebolts that land in your life are super charged in the week leading up to the 9 February.  

These could be literal lightning storms and extreme weather, 

calls out of the blue that change your life, 

or even brainiac ideas for inventions.  

It could be pushing the go button on a new business, taking a chance on something, or connecting for change.

Our ideas on personal financial security are changing. We are letting go of old resources for new. Economies are being super-charged with the dreaming up of new digital investments.

Our old ways of doing things, trudging along to the way it’s always done are being drenched in Molotov cocktails. They are being shaken, stirred and blown up.

Here’s the weird little saviour in all this unrest – its to HELP us.

These upstarts of new ideas, shattering of the status quo, uprising against injustice and unfairness and the ‘old ways’ are all shaking loose the dead wood so we can move forward unfettered to build a new, improved world.

It’s disruptive, it may sting, it will definitely surprise.

But at the end of the day our new structures will be truer, sincerer, and fairer.

Our changing ideas on resources will also serve us better in new ventures.

[Mars trine Uranus]


Mars and Aquarius

Leading up to the 12th February all that shake rattle and roll may get you thinking.  

You may decide to end something, to thank it and let it move into history – and start anew.  

You may even dredge up the courage and power to think big, to transform what you know, and think nuclear!

The Phoenix energy is rising out of the ashes.

Old thoughts, mental patterns, mental models, restraints and strictures are being challenged.

Ideas and ‘knowledge’ are being challenged - to find a new way to think about life and the world. This is epic stuff, and not minor matters.

Honour your thoughts over the next two weeks, examine your pre-conceptions.

Burn down the ones that restrain you, and step into your power as Captain of your life.

Believe in YOUR sovereign power over YOUR life.

[Mercury conjunct Pluto]

Wishing you a change in perspective that serves you well in the year ahead.

May you believe in your ideas,

make space for your heart,

and be the change the world needs.

Best new moon wishes,

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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