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New Vibes
New Vibes
Jan 04, 2022
Liezl James

Happy 2022 all!

Wishing you and yours bright blessings in this new chapter!

Grounded goals

A new year, a new moon, all leading to new beginnings! This year Astrology lines up nicely with traditional January intention setting. 

New moon

The Sun and Moon luminaries joined together to kick off 2022’s first new moon (3 Jan) in Saturn ruled Capricorn. New moons are great for intention setting, as they start a new phase of growth towards reaching our bright full moon potential. 

Saturnian vibes ground your goals

Saturn, the ruler of this lunation symbolises big life changes and the physical world we live in. Gravitas, achieving goals, discipline, and striving for your desires are strongly supported with this energy.

I like to think of Capricorn as the ‘CEO vibe’. It helps you get stuff done, moving, and changed in your world – like the boss you are! YOU are CEO of your own life, and if you take your actions seriously, this energy will guide and support you in achieving your goals.

The second Saturn sign Aquarius adds a unique alternative flavour to your intentions. Consider ‘out the box’ ideas when you contemplate your intended way of being, habits, and goals. Alternative insights may help you achieve your desired way of being by changing up the old.

There are a total of 6 planets in Saturn signs right now, amping up this ‘grounded goals intentions’ energy!

[Moon, Sun, Venus, Pluto in Capricorn; Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius.]

Intention Setting Guide

It is best to define your path forward 12-18 hours after new moon when the moon has some light to enhance your wishes. Intentions can be set at any point while the moon is growing in light towards full moon (18 January), though there are some bonus energies you can harness if you do it before 9 Jan!

1. Contemplate your intentions

Think about, feel through and consider your intentions. These are not empty goals; these are steps you want to embody and own this year. They deserve your full attention. 

Intentions don’t have to be detailed outcomes, they can be a simple word to guide your way of being, and forward movement. Whatever works best for you!

2. Ground your intent

Once your intentions are clarified, do something to ground them into 2022. I.e. mix physical action or earthly elements into your process.

You could write goals in your diary, paint a picture while contemplating your ideal ideals, meditate on your desired way of being, schedule a meeting, send an email, do some research, create a vision board, ponder your intentions while you walk outside in the wind, bottle a wish, burn your written intentions in a fire, let them drift down a river. 

Do anything that links a physical action to your desire / dream / goal. This embodies the Capricorn earth energy, helping bring those plans into the real world.

Heads up though – Saturn requires work, that’s why I think of it as the CEO vibe. You can’t just float around like a butterfly and change the world – you need to put in some strategic effort! So don’t just pluck a wish out of a fortune cookie, give your way forward some serious time and energy. It builds the foundation of your way forward.

Sending bright starlight to help your journey be clear as you boss yourself to wow-ness!

3. Bonus intention points

Saturn is associated with Saturday, the colour black and traditional ritual energies.

If you do decide to have yourself a little ritual to harness these traditional reverent energies, here are some bonus ideas to enhance your intention setting.

  • Hold your ritual on a Saturday
  • Add some black (e.g. write with a black pen, add black beans or rice to your wish jar, place a black crystal on your paper)
  • Draw the Saturn glyph on your rendering, in your diary, or trace it with your finger while you’re meditating.

If you really want to geek out, you can also use the Saturn hour as an alternate to Saturday for your intention time. (Go here > Enter your city and the date > look for times ruled by Saturn).

The Goddess and the Darkness

The glow of lucky Goddess love adds some sparkly sprinkles to your intention setting. If you dig deep, and focus on what you truly desire (Lucifer tv show anyone?), you may find some connection helps you get there a little easier.

[Venus Rx in Capricorn]

Your new path is likely to have a powerful transformative edge. This is no light fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows, this is deep quest through the dark shadows of your mind to find the light that changes your life. It’s not easy looking through all the crap in our heads to find the true essence of what is worthwhile, but it WILL be beneficial and fulfilling!

[Pluto in Capricorn]

Recognising your truth and strategising a plan to make it happen is especially highlighted until 9 Jan. So if you are able to - schedule some time to ponder your path before then.

[Sun conjunct Rx Venus in Capricorn]

This whole intention setting / goal / ‘what do I desire’ thing may actually have feen swirling around in your head for a while, even as long as a few years now. If that is the case for you, this is where you crystallise that desire, and turn it into a diamond tip that drills through barriers to your shiniest dream made material, in real life.

Thinking caps

Mercury represents the mind, intellect and communication. These themes take a more reflective stance from 15/16 January when Mercury goes retrograde. That means it’s a great time to go inwards and consider your thoughts and ideas. it’s a time for RE- everything. 

  • Re-do stuff. Yup, it tends to vanish into thin air, especially if its digital!
  • Re-visit old ideas, you may have some buried gold in there! 
  • Re-view, just to be sure, sure.
  • Re-ach out to old connections.
  • Re-centre yourself for the next cycle, take a breath.
  • Re-decorate (ok that one was just for fun, but why not re-arrange and refresh your work space a bit more thoughtfully?)

What is interesting is that this little Mercury backwards step is in Aquarius and Capricorn, so therefore Saturn flavoured. Coming up with revised ways to do things, re-envisioning your future, and making plans, lists, and schedules around those intentions are all favourable ways to use this!

More info on Mercury Retrograde in this article, or here.

The deep cavernous rumbles

There is a chance for random insights throughout 2022 – they may challenge your long-held idea of the world. WRITE THEM DOWN!  These are the bright sparks that change the world. 

They are not easy rumblings, but if you can figure out how to use those ideas to restructure and build your path forward, it will change your life. These ideas are not out to get you, their purpose is to help you be more authentic and true; and ultimately find long term fulfilment in your life.

These upsets were around in 2021 as well, but sprinted past. This year they kind of do a long marathon and are usually around in the background somewhere. Keep an eye, ear and heart out for what is faltering and is asking to be fulfilling.

The lovely stuff

January brings a splash of love and wonderful into some part of our lives. These pleasant and kind opportunities will be around until May 2022. If you dream up or are invited to do something that could be nice, go for it! It may just help unlock something, lead to something amazing, highlight something useful, help something good-hearted, expand your universe, or at the very least just be a great time! 

[Jupiter in Pisces]

These mystical vibes are dreamy, emotive, light, fluffy and unicorn filled, but not the best for signing on the dotted line! So follow the flow for loveliness and tuning in, but be wary if you are specifically after essential facts and the ocean ahead is covered in obscuring mist. 

This If you’re dreaming, hoping, and wishing for magic … this mystical energy may just help it become possible! [Neptune in Pisces]

Leading up to 12 Jan you may have lots of inspirational opportunities, and possibly even reach for the divine. These could be bright insights from your dreams, a fast speed boat trip to summer activities, or a random idea to get together in the cold for Glühwein and chats.

If your inspiration is to get something practical going, try not be frustrated if something slips out of control or you lose sight of the goal. Inspiration isn’t always in a straight line :-). 

[Mars square Neptune]

Until next time folks, best and sparkliest wishes for a fulfilling 2022!

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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