Astral Hippie Astrology Celestial Promise
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Astrology Blog
Years end
Years end
Dec 21, 2021
Liezl James

The Final Countdown

Well, it feels like we're still in the thick of it, but we are in the final countdown to years end!  I'm still waiting for that hush to fall over me, alllllmmmooosttt there!

The last full moon of the year was on Sunday.  The Gemini moon and Sagittarius sun lunation help us to reach out, connect, and have hope.  The full moon asks us to move past the patterns that no longer serve us, and leaving them behind in 2021.  As we wind down towards years end, release those beliefs, habits and things that don't give you joy and inspiration.  Just let them go and be inspired to find bright new ways of being.


Today is powerful day, the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, and the Winter Solstice in the North.  It has been revered for centuries to mark the passing of time, and the turning of the wheel.

I wish you powerful new embarking on new ways, with all the love and good juju the world has to give.  Let us life our eyes towards the horizon, and optimistic new cycles.

Current Astro weather - Lady Venus is serious

Your relationships to others (romantic and other) will not doubt play on your mind for the next few months.  That could even extend to relationships with what you like, and love, and find fulfilling.

It's not a bad thing, the wormy wombles transformation is necessary to reach the butterfly stage.  You don't need to axe everyone and everything, but do take the time to ponder, and deeply consider who and what you want to be around next year.  Also, where your boundaries are. 

You can read more about that here: relationship spotlight.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Capricorns make the world go round

The CEO's of the zodiac are starting to have their birthdays now.  Wishing you movers and shakers a wonderful, blessed, relaxing (you never chill enough!) birthday.  Hope it is fulfilling, meaningful, and that you take time to celebrate YOU well!

Sun moves into Capricorn

A challenge subsides

We've had a year of challenges against structures, authority, and the outdated ways.  The shake-ups haven't been fun, but they have served to get us aware of where we need to change our processes, policies, and traditional way of doing things.  This energy peaks just before Christmas then subsides.  So try be diplomatic if you feel you absolutely have to say something at those family gatherings!

This energy will still be around next year, but not as dramatic and stark.  Perhaps we can move towards making those changes that suit us better, in our own lives, and the world at large.

Changing ourselves is how we change the world. 

Saturn squares Uranus


A big cheerful whoop whoop for kind, pleasant good times!!!!!!!!  This doesn't take away from all the other happenings, but wherever you have Pisces in your chart will be blissful from 28 December until May 2022!! There will be an area of your life that will just flow with wonder, and delight.  Immerse yourself in it as much as you can! If you get an opportunity to do something you enjoy, TAKE IT!

On that very happy note, I wish you all adieu until 2022.  Thank you for being around this year, listening, and partaking in the wonder that is the cosmos.  Thank you for staying strong and having hope.  Thank you for being you! 

May the New Year bring you and yours support, smiles, wonder, and so much love.

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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