Astral Hippie Astrology Celestial Promise
Astrology Blog
A New Start
A New Start
Mar 17, 2022
Liezl James

Full Moon ~ 18 March

Another cycle swims by as the bright sun in Pisces illuminates the Virgo full moon on the opposite side of the earth.

We still have that magical essence that initiated this cycle with the mystical Pisces new moon, but it has a more practical creative edge now. It’s time to take a paddle through the last 2 weeks day-dreams, and pick which wishes you’d like to work on to come true.

Thank the remaining dreams for the pleasant interlude, and let them go. 

Save the ideas in a note if you wish - but if it’s not relevant in the foreseeable future then release them into the wind to return, if and when the time is right.

Take your treasured wishes, the select few seedlings you’re going to grow, and do something practical with them. 

Write down your selected wishes.

Write down, voice record or video yourself for how you can imagine them manifesting, and what you can do to get them there. Its perhaps not quite business plan time, but it is a great time to just get the whole jumble down – you can refine it next month.

Do practical tasks while you think about your wishes.

Think about your ideas while you’re doing everyday tasks like showering, walking or doing the dishes. It is a great way to feed into the universe and get some insight for its growth in return. 

Get creative while you mull it over.

Doodle, paint, journal, draw, scrapbook, vision board, mosaic your chosen ideas. While you’re playing with art you’re linking into the creative magic that is so abundant right now, and helping that find a way into the material world.

Put up a sticky note in your bathroom, office or on your fridge with your current selected wish/goal that you’re going to work on. It helps provide clarity when you’re frazzled in too many directions. If in doubt, check out your sticky note. 

That dedicated step may just help activate the magnified Pluto energy to help make it real, and long-lasting. Take one little step a day toward it every day, whether that be jotting down some notes, sending an email, doing a quick google search. Those little steps will power you up the mountain and transform your life, in due course. It will take dedication– so use the sticky note to keep the faith and remind yourself what you’re doing and where you’re going.

"Do one thing a day” is a principle shared by Bonnie Christine in her wonderful design course). It is also found in Austin Kleon’s books. 

[18 March Full moon in Virgo, Sun in Pisces, 8:17pm NZ, UTC+13]

[1st moon aspect is trine Pluto in Capricorn]

[18 March Sun sextile Pluto in Capricorn].

Virgo New moon

Astrological New Year ~ 20/21 March

Astrological new year

20/21 March is the Equinox point that marks a new season - Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and Autumn in the South.

It is also, the start of the Astrological New Year. 

It is marked at the moment the sun goes into Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.   This precise moment creates a new birthday chart for the next 12 months.  

The ancient Persian celebration of Nowruz also marks this moment as the Iranian new year (4:33 am 21 March in NZT).

Astrological new year 2022

What does this mean?

A whole new lens on the next year. 

A fresh breath of power and energy to get us going (Aries ruler Mars is all about action!).

Whichever calendar and celebrations you follow - it’s a new season! 

Take a moment to honour the old, and embrace the new.

What this new year holds

Broadly, it is about creating everyday innovative change in what we feel and do. 

 > Harness this energy by focusing on your interactions with the world, and how you can CHANGE it for the better.

[Aquarius rising Stellium of Mars, Venus and Saturn]. 

There is opportunity to connect to mysticism in a new way.  To use our intuition and communicate in order to share our powerful inner resources, our truth - instead of our judgy opinions. 
 > Practice empathy and speak with KINDNESS.

[Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune in 2nd Pisces].

There is also a wonderful opportunity to find harmony and balance if we approach our interactions from a place of kindness and emotional maturity.

 > Let yourself find pleasure in expanding your world view to find emotional BALANCE.

[Moon in Libra 9th].

There are disruptions in our values and structures, – so that we may find a better way that is kinder and more authentic.

 > Challenge your pre-conceptions, Disrupt and EVOLVE your values.

[4th Taurus Uranus and North node].

We are being called to step up and be exactly who we are - me, myself and I.

 > Be brave and COURAGEOUS.  Share your truth and forge your way.

[Exalted sun in 3rd Aries]

Creative Intuition ~ 10-27 March

Our head (logical thought and rational intellect) is presently still in the clouds. It’s not to say you can’t work stuff out, but you’ll find it much smoother if you use your creative intuition to do so.

This HUGELY creative and intuitive energy is best aimed at dreaming up new ways to communicate and express yourself. Its also great for sharing kind words, and connecting -to others, the universe and all the mystical and magical energies out there.

You may have felt this from the 10th march, and it will be prominent until 27 March, at which point you’ll be firing on all cylinders to get those creative ideas moving!

Quote from last month:

“There is a way through this new world. It is to go with the flow as best you can. Think creatively about how to solve conundrums, and collaborate rather than doing it all on your own. Connect into the collective to solve problems. It is a form of design thinking, with a mystic edge.”

[10 March Mercury enters Pisces]

[21 March Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces]

[24 March Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces]

Mercury in Pisces

TIP: Tap into your intuitive creativity around 20-25 March.   Creative expression of any sort will just fly! 

Do some free-flow journaling, write a story, do a few doodles, paint, or just sit still and tap into the universe.  

It may just give you the magical answer you seek. Look for the signs!

Enjoy the magic of this week, feel into it, you may just get some sparkly blessings!

Radical new connections ~ 17-24 March

Radical new connections may shake up the status quo.  The next few days hold unexpected surprises. 

Connecting 17-21 March

Relationships and connections will receive a radical tremble that will help you be more true to your values and authentic self. That change will help you to change the world around you somehow, in a way that feels good to you. 

  • You may have a surprise meeting that sends you in a new direction. 
  • You may be drawn to join a group or cause you’ve never considered before. 
  • You may discover astonishing collaborative opportunities.
  • Someone may give you an interesting piece of information that sparks off new habits.
  • You could get a flash of an idea that has you thinking about previously unconsidered paths.

[Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, 18-20 March]

Super-fry severing 20-24 March

Alongside the connecting opportunity, is this super-heated force of fire. It is, ready to super-fry whatever you’re cooking. The fire could be a bright spark of insight, or it could be the dramatic severing of the old. You may get a perfectly grilled new fusion creation, or a flash-frizzled inedible dish.


This fire can burn or create. So my suggestion is to give it an outlet – if something needs to be severed to move in the right direction, let it go. Ideas and goals change and evolve as we do, so let the unhelpful extraneous noise go.


Breath through any “hot under the collar” moments. the initial super-heated charge will subside to allow you to find a way of communicating your frustration that won’t decimate the recipient.


[Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, 21-23 March]


Consolidate the insights 27-30 march

You’ll ultimately find new ways, means and roads to your goals. 

Once you’ve adjusted to the shake, rattle and rolls, find a way to incorporate that change into your long term vision and strategy. 

It will give you a firm foundation on your quest to do and be better.


[Venus conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius 28-29 march] 

I wish you the wonder of the full moon, may it bring you insight into what to let go and what to grow. 

I wish you the blessings of the New Year, may it bring you hope and courage.

I wish you the steadfastness to make the ideas and dreams from this time march forth into reality in the coming year.

With all the loves and light in the universe,

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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