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Find your calm
Find your calm
Nov 09, 2021
Liezl James

It’s going to a bumpy ride this week – it’s a good time to find your calm.

Sympathetic magic

Sniff lavender, drink chamomile, give yourself a foot rub, soak in Epsom salts, listen to relaxing music, read a book, journal your thoughts, nap, wile away a few hours daydreaming, go on meandering walks.  

Listen to a guided meditation, walk barefoot on the earth, gaze at the stars, put gentle weight on your body (pillows and blankets), eat whole food, stare at a candle, infuse your space with your favourite essential oil.  

Whatever it is that calms down your nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps you to relax, make time to do it.  Grounding yourself is of the utmost importance right now.


Some ideas to add to your basket of calm goodies …

3-3-3 Look, Listen, Move

A practical way to deal with overload or anxiety in the moment is the rule of 3-3-3. Wherever you are, look around and name 3 things you can see. Next, listen for 3 sounds you can hear, and finally, move 3 parts of your body like wiggling your toes, flexing your fingers, and opening your mouth to release tension in your jaw.


YouTube is a quick way to find relaxing background music, 423Hz is apparently the go to for that. I’ve used this one for years to ease separation anxiety with my dog and cats. It goes dark after 5 minutes so there’s no light distractions, and puts everyone (including my partner) into a restful sleep.


Chatting to some-one helps release your pent-up stuff. Simply connecting to others (social, phone, or in person) helps to break an obsessive focus on what’s worrying you.

Talking about an issue often helps me to clarify the next step. Often when I’m right in the middle of explaining a story to some-one I have a Eureka moment!


This is not a week for over-extending your body. Exercise is great to release pent-up energy, but keep it simple, and don’t do anything that puts you at risk of injuries.

Creative Play

Playing with paint, crafts, clay, scrapbooking, or even just winding some flowers together all help anchor our bodies and minds. It is the best way to ground, find your inner self, and just be.

Mindful activities

Being present is truly difficult, transformative, and so very simple to (keep) striving for. Don’t berate yourself for fractured focus. The idea is to simply keep zooming into the now, even if it’s just for a moment. It helps you to merge with the universe and embody your whole soul.

Washing a dish provides the opportunity to watch the play of iridescent bubbles arise from the friction, feel the smoothing silk of water running over your hands. 

Something as mundane as weeding can be a sacred activity, smell the earth, feel the air, listen to the insects and birds, smell the garden growing while you breathe. 

If you enjoy cooking, stir love into the sauce, grate good thoughts into the dish, plate with delight.

Take 3 breaths

Breathing technique

If you’re rushed, simply take 3 slooooowww breaths.  

Let’s try it right now.

Breathe in … feel the golden light entering every edge of your body and beyond.  

Hold it for a moment. One thousand one, one thousand two.  Let it permeate your being.

Exhale slowly … just let go.  Release the thoughts, hurts, muscles, lists, everything.  For this one moment, watch the blurred grey words of anxious worry float away on your breath.


I always have a few on me, in my pocket, and on my desk. I usually just pick whatever rises out of the box for the day. It will however be useful to make conscious choices in the next 2 weeks.

Anything connected to the root chakra assists basic grounding. It helps you firmly plant your feet where you are, stand steady, and connect to your core. Black or red stones are good for this, especially ones that are self-clearing like smoky quartz. Alternates: Obsidian, black tourmaline, or Red Jasper. 

If you’re feeling heavy and need some light to get you out of the dumps, the self-cleansing sunny Citrine is great. If you need support and confidence, try Carnelian.

Clear crystal quartz is the great healer. It’s pure white goodness. If you’re feeling burnt out and physically drained, you can’t go wrong with this one!

Rose quartz – unconditional love, peace, and wellbeing. Zen everything. 

Amethyst is another crystal that is great for many, many things. Spiritual intuition, protection, soothing, and a wonder for insomnia and bad dreams. Try placing a piece under your pillow before sleep, and washing it clear of negative debris the next morning. I got this idea from Alicia Yusuf, and its done wonders for my partner and I to ease restless sleep!.

Labradorite is my all-time favourite.  It’s protective at all levels, physical, spiritual and energetic. It wards off psychic talons reaching into your bubble. It gives you strength, and its wisdom helps you find the way to your highest self. It has an aura of mystery, and helps you connect to your intuition, magic, and other helpful realms. It assists transformation. I think of it as my wise fairy god-mother ;-). It is the crystal I wear most often. Having a bit of extra wisdom and magic never goes out of fashion!

Selenite is the crystal I use most prolifically, for pretty much everything! I’ve got them in every room, under every human and pet bed, and on our window sills. It clarifies mental confusion and soothes erratic emotions, bringing peace, calm, and angel help. It purifies your space and energy. It helps you settle into yourself, and connect to the whole universe.

Have a moment with your pebble
Crystal Affirmation

If you have selenite or clear quartz those would be great for this activity.  Rose Quartz, Amethyst or Labradorite are also good.  Or just use whatever you have or are drawn to, even an earthly shell or pebble will help you connect!

Hold your pebble, and feel yourself reaching roots down to the crystal gems under the earth (Emer’s magic art idea).  Join to the glint of physical beauty, and let it ground your spirit.  

Bring that magical white light up through your body, through your toes, knees, pelvis, past your belly button and expanding throughout your chest.  Let the pure white light rise up through your shoulders, through your throat, forehead, and out through the top of your head. 

Let it reach far beyond your wildest dreams up, up, up into the heavenly light of the stars in cosmos, and beyond, to peaceful waters in other worlds.

You are now deeply rooted, and simultaneously expanded beyond your current concerns. Your soul is connected to the light of the worlds, and glowing brightly though you, connected to everything.

“I am one with myself, and connected to all creation.”

Channel the swirling in your head and heart with intention

By dealing with our inner self, we are better able to cope with the outside world, and less likely to emotionally erupt. It helps us to avoid saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, and regretting actions later on. 

Yes, sometimes things need to happen, and you need to react or respond immediately. If you feel you really do need to take action, try postponing it for a day or two if possible. Give yourself the gap to contemplate the decision, sleep on it as such. 

If something great falls into your lap out of the blue, congrats, that’s wonderful! Surprise! Pursue the lead, imagine the future, but try delay contracts and commitments if you can. If you can’t, don’t panic, just go with your gut. The best advice I have ever received was that you can only make the best decision you can at the time, with the info you have. Be ok with that, and if it’s not right, make another later on. It’s called life - a string of decisions!

If you’re frustrated and boiling over, write it down, punch a pillow, but DON’T SEND THE EMAIL, MAKE THE CALL, or SAY THE THING in that state. In the current Astro weather it’s bound to burn you. Give yourself time to focus, be sure of your heart and mind before you do anything rash.

The Astrology themes for the week

This week I focused on offering solutions. You can read more on the general tenor of this month (raging passion) in last week’s article

In short, we are all likely to face frustrations until the last week of November. Focus on your zen until then as best you can.

Relax into the storm

There will be stark real-world happenings you have to sort out, deal with, and wade through.  These challenges are likely to be more intense and relentless than usual, tiring you out.  

They can be draining, and even lead to frizzled mental, physical and emotional burn-out. You may find yourself questioning everything, and feeling a bit blue.  

Practise the calm thing, whatever that means to you.  The happenings may be minute, and even go unnoticed, or they may be large and transformative, but they will be there.  

The calmer you are, the smoother the ride. You could get fixated on the slap of the wet ocean spray, or you can flow with the waves and revel in the bedazzled sunset. 


The cheat sheet

  • If you have any bright ideas or clarifying thoughts, write them down! 
  • Work on your plan by writing down the steps you can take to reach your desired goal.
  • Perhaps even take small personal actions to signify your intention to the universe.
  • If you are able, postpone any hasty long-term commitments until months end.
  • Practice patience with yourself and others.
  • Be aware of the tendency for abrupt reactions, and watch out for accidents (especially related to fires, burns, shocks, and mass earth movement).

Watch your words and general communication. Breathe through any stress or anxiety.

Work through the challenges that arise, you can find a solution if you approach it pragmatically. Try not to act recklessly out of frustration! 

You may be asked to make a decision that involves your passions and/or mind. Focus on the long-term outcomes of each option, and how it aligns to what you want to achieve in life. 

This energy could be harnessed to offer intense concentration. You may turn into a writing machine! It can also inspire creative communications.

The likelihood of raised tensions, protests and irritations are high. Even if you manage to stay in your zen zone, others may not. So be on the lookout for road rage, and try be patient with yourself and others, everyone is scratchy right now.

(Peaks 11 Nov, Mercury conjuncts Mars in Scorpio and squares Saturn in Aquarius; Mars squares Saturn).

Write down all the wildly wishful ideas that bubble up.

Tune into those dreams that have been swirling around your head. These could be insightful glimpses of how you can enhance your life to align with your bestest and most fabulous you. 

If you have public engagements, you’ll have an extra allure of glamorous mystery during this time.

Be careful with offers that seem too good to be true. They could be wrapped in illusion, or turn out to be illusive in nature.

This is an energy that dissolves apparent limits, it’s a great time to float away on a bubble!

(Peaks 13 Nov, Scorpio Sun trines Neptune in Pisces)

A mental tug of war.

You could get mired in analysis paralysis, burning up your brain waves with electric energy. Contrary to that, you may just dive headlong into something seemingly crazy (and potentially freeing) with no warning!

Expect the unexpected. Take note of mad hatter ideas and inconceivable notions. They exist to break you out of a rut and into a sunburst. 

This is an energy of wild abandon, it can be genius or serve up a side dish of crazee, there’s no way to know for sure, it is however bound to rock your world somehow!

(Peaks 14 Nov, Mercury opposition Uranus)

Your optimistic new ideas for change are challenged. 

Do they fit with your core essence? Will they take you where you want to go, and help you be who you want to be? Can you make it sustainable? Don’t answer that out of fear, consider the answers with sincere courage. The outcome can help you move forward with luck and power if you are true to yourself. 

(Peaks 17 Nov, Scorpio Sun squares Jupiter in Aquarius; Sun sextiles Pluto in Capricorn)

Be safe; ride the passion and inspiration.

Exercise caution in all physical activities towards the end of the week. Watch your step, check the stove, watch for sunburn, monitor flames, and be safe with electricity. 

Passion is raging extreme! Inspirational activities are metaphorically on fire! Find (safe) ways to express your passion and blow off some steam. 

(Peaks 18 Nov, Scorpio Mars opposition Taurus Uranus)

May you find new calming habits to heal your soul, and interesting insights to look forward to on this wild ride!


Liezl @Astral Hippie Astrology

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