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Rage against the machine
Rage against the machine
Nov 03, 2021
Liezl James

The line “rage against the machine” has been zinging around my head for the last week as I contemplated the ramp up to angsty November. (It also happens to be a 90’s rock band).

There is passion galore with Scorpio in the spotlight (again). Celestial truth serum continues to aim it's unflinching stare directly at you, forcing stark honesty to the fore.

That image may light up your imagination with midnight spies, sultry warriors, and dramatic car chases.  Perhaps you secretly imagine saving the world and fighting for world peace and justice.

However, there is not always an abundance of ‘dramatic change my life in a flash’, going-to-the-desert-for-my-vision quest vibes. Sometimes we just get mired in paying rent, admin, and eating enough green stuff (veggies that is ;-). Reality doesn’t always deliver overwhelming excitement.  That can make you feel like rebel without a cause; frustrated, worn-out, and ready to explode.  Not sexy.


Rock and a hard place.

So what is sexy? Knowing why you’re doing stuff, and what it’s for. Living and expressing your true self, all of it, spherically. 

Perhaps you've told yourself your biggest desire is to provide for your family.  Maybe you've tried to achieve that with overwhelming work effort.  In truth, all you really want is more family time, and don't care about Tom, Nancy and Clementine's politics.  You've always wanted to write, but have never been brave enough to try.  You paint, but have never shown anyone.  Or, you just want to dance!

Having transformative experiences that resonate with authenticity inspire me. You know, those days that end with you feeling blissfully lived out, dirty feet, sand everywhere, and un-brushable salty hair. 

The other 99.99999% of my life is just trying to pay the bills and not be bored stiff. I feel compelled to pick the secure, steady thing over the chuck it in a f-it bucket more often than not. I tend to focus on the long-term investment over the passion. 

What is sexy

The oxymoron

(Don’t you just love the word oxymoron?! It brings up visions of the Oxy pain killer stuff that’s always on US movies getting people hooked and into dark and dangerous trouble, and, well … moronic moments).

That angsty illustration of idealistic wishes versus harsh reality – is the oxymoron that is November and December.  We are effectively weighing up the rage against the machine versus the desire for security, and throwing in a few Molotov cocktails to stir things up.

Sometimes I have this overwhelming urge to set it all on fire (or donate it) and catch a plane somewhere. Then I remember the world can’t travel, the furry family members have to be fed, and I have a doctor’s appointment next week – and it needs to be paid for with something other than wishful thinking.

The apparent contradiction called life. Passion vs. Responsibilities.

The game of life

The game of life

Scorpio time is dramatic time (think Halloween). But it is also an intuitive, insightful, ‘do-the-right-thing-despite-the-difficulties’ time.  

It is our own enthralling quest in the game of life.  

It brings magic stars, and signs from the universe.  There are rainbows that lead to blinky hidden pots of gold, giving us confidence and courage.  

If we get past the troll there are flashing diamond portals that whoosh us up from the underworld and help us step into our own power (not remain trembling under our blankets, no matter how cosy).

Thoughts of being Bear Grills (My plan C) are perhaps not the easiest way to navigate the drama of life. But those startling “out there” ideas are perhaps the very thing that give us the edge, a hurdle to overcome (dragon, monster, puzzle), and the superhero of our own story.

Primed to dance

We are primed for this. We’ve spent our whole lives (or at least the last 2/3 years) subconsciously plotting treasure heists and playing with hobbies and passions as ‘perhaps one day’ alternatives. We’ve imagined the mysteries in books, games and movies, and planned how to get to the next level in our heads. We’ve dreamed of fabulous adventures and not being a dormouse on a wheel.

We have had failed starts, great ideas that melted like ice-cream on a hot car bonnet while trying to pull a languid pose, emotional meltdowns, and long moments of gob-smacked clue-lessness … they’ve led to now.

We are primed to have a realisation that can lead us onto the next level, the next phase, the next chapter. Those ravaging learnings have shown us what we love, what we hate, and what we can put up with (I told you Scorpio season is dramatic).

The dramatic triumphs and disappointments that survived the stress test of the last few years can perhaps help guide the way forward. They may show us how we can be that passionate sultry dancer on the cover, in our own lives.

Astrology outcomes can be literal or metaphorical.

The status quo has been challenged all year (starting with the USA unrest in January). 

The uprisings, protests, “great resignation”, career do-overs, dramatic underdog scrabbling in lock down inspirations are the literal manifestations of raging against the machine. Revolutionising what we know, and revolting against injustice. 

Metaphorically perhaps we were inspired to try something different, to look at an issue in a new way, to contemplate a new career, or to question our ideas on a stable life (ok, that one may actually be literal in this new Covid-land).

In your own life, you could be leading a mutiny against what needs to change literally, metaphorically, or both! Your chart placements offer some insight. 

In particular, the fixed signs Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus are affected. Your natal Mars, Saturn or Uranus placements could also be triggered.


Rebellious challenges peaked 17 February, 14 June, and will do so again 24 December.

(Saturn square Uranus)

Molotov cocktails are adding fuel to the fire now in mid-November.

(Mars squares Saturn 11 Nov, Mars opposition Uranus 18 Nov)

Forging the Martian sword

The limitations we’ve endured can be seen as an annealing process, where metal is heated, then slowly cooled over a period of time. In sword making it is repeated many, many times. If it is rushed, the brittle material can fracture. Just as our misconceptions have been challenged and shattered, and our patience and nerves are fraying. 

The cracks have shown us where our plans are flawed, and slowed us down enough to try another way.  The heating and cooling process has tested our patience, resilience and endurance (lockdown fatigue). And at the same time, it has helped us to bend, be more flexible, ultimately forging a stronger metal.

The breakdown has not been fun, and we’ve all had to adjust as we were heated and cooled, splintered and sharpened. We have been creating a stronger weapon to deal with the world, a stronger me, a stronger you.

Strong blades sever what is not supportive, required, or desired. Sometimes that means cutting away and letting go of the (metaphorical and literal) baggage that weighs you down.  

The diamond clue in the coal

Being honest with yourself gets you through the upheaval. It gives you the courage to get up (again), and try (again), until it works for you. It helps you to evolve and grow from the inside out, to be the authentic you that finds a way.

The cosmic energies are showing you how to fight for your truth, support your passion, and discipline your drive. 

The fire-spinner Mars started a new 2-year cycle on 6/7 October (more here). What this new chapter entails is now starting to show itself. Your ‘truth’ has been bashed, bruised and tumbled this year. That process has also refined all the rough edges, and the diamond is starting to glimmer. 

You are starting to realise where you need to put your passions and energies going forward.

Channel the fire

So yes, beware of violence, watch out for protests getting out of control, and keep an eye out for shocking revelations.

But also take out that now polished and gleaming ‘truth’ that you’ve used blood, sweat and tears to turn from compressed and stressed coal into a diamond.  Take it beyond your imagination, and start finding ways for it to manifest in the real world, in real ways. 

The sky symbols are showing us a way forward in the next 2 months.  

Channel your fire

Turn your anger and frustration towards passion, and energy into drive. Let the flame be your Olympian effort, signalling success at the end of the battles.

Reach beyond the known, and imagine more. Crystallise your authentic purpose. 

Stand up for yourselves, others, and the planet. Champion your cause, face the battles, and win back the real you. Don’t use the fire to rage against another, use it to light up your soul. 

Relationship structures

During the next few weeks you may find yourself having to set firmer boundaries in relationships. You may stand your ground on how you want to connect with others. Be careful of escalating arguments.

If you do need to raise an issue, think about it first, and ensure you are grounded and steady when it is broached. Think of the future, and long-term success of your connections, try avoid emotional outbursts.

A great opportunity for smooth and satisfying relationships interactions is 7 November. 

 (5 Nov Venus moves into Capricorn; 7 Nov Mercury sextile Venus)


Your mind may start to heat up with imaginative ideas as communicative Mercury moves into Scorpio. 

Avoid voicing heated emotions. 

Do however heed any ideas that help you further your goal of aligning with your authentic, inspired and motivated self. You’ll get a gut feeling for the good ones, consider those. 

The Scorpio spotlight is not only tingling your Spidey senses, it is sparking your intellect, and helping you find a way to manifest what fulfils you. Not comfortable or easy times, but these sparks may light your Olympic flame.

 (6 Nov Mercury moves into Scorpio;  11 Nov Mercury conjuncts Mars, Mercury squares Saturn)

New moon, new way

New moon

The dark moon and powerful sun start a new moon cycle in Scorpio.  This one brings dramatic surprises!  The Scorpio vibes are zinging with bolts of blue this month!  Look out for sudden insights, bomb-drops, dramatic urges, or impulsive actions over the next two weeks as the brightening moon grows our insight and connection to cosmic lightning.  

There’s definitely a shake-up of some sort.  It may come as a decision to go with your gut over the stable choice.  Or perhaps a heart spike drives you to pursue something despite being different to the known factor or stable old way of doing it.  

Your heart, mind, and true essence are getting input from all sides this month. You don’t need to act, in fact use measured caution if you do. I do however recommend you listen for blue birdies of insight!

(5 Nov Scorpio New moon, Sun opposition Uranus, Moon opposition Uranus),

(Check here for moon phases in your city)

Explosive passion

This week leads us into turbulent mid-November. Brace for upheavals, notice the lightning, and step forward into a new you, in a new way.

Your frustration can spill out and cause stinging wounds, or it can be channeled towards what you feel passionate about. Those things that make you feel alive and express all of you. Do that. 

Best wishes for you to live your true blue self, the ultimate prize!

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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