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New moon, new breath
New moon, new breath
Sep 03, 2021
Liezl James

The dark start

This month the shiny sparkly and meticulous new moon is in Virgo.  It brings a clean, clear new start.

A new moon is dark, like a seed germinating below the soil.  This is because the Sun and moon literally come together to start a new lunation cycle. The sun is directly behind the moon, meaning no light can get to the side of the moon we see.

The new moon is a brand new cycle start - every month.  As the moon zoots past the sun, it starts growing in light as the sun reflects off it.  This increase in radiance helps you to achieve your new moon intentions.

The maturing

The growing lunar light represents the maturing cycle.  Things start to happen, and that little seed grows, flowers and comes to fruition. This month, as the light increases, we also move towards the equinox, and a new season.  Spring in the Southern hemisphere, and Autumn in the North.

The cycle midpoint is the full moon, highlighted by the symbol of the scales when the sun enters Libra two days later.  Libra helps us to achieve harmonious balance as the day and night reach the exact same length.

The path forward

The New moon is on the 6/7th September (check your location here)

The Full moon is on the 20/21 September (check your location here)

The Equinox is on the 22/23 September (check your location here)

So what is this pragmatic Virgo new moon asking you to do?

Clean, sort, de-clutter, and get organised!

Virgo is all about being useful, practical, and getting things done. Its there to help you smooth out your life so you have more time and energy for the things that mean something to you.  The energy can be directed towards tending a cupboard, garden, or your very soul. 

Be conscious of what you are doing and how you are doing it, and make the changes necessary so you can spend more time on the things that matter.

Conscious Intention and ritual

If you wish to solidify this earthly energy that enhances and enriches your next lunar cycle, light a candle, take a moment, be conscious of what you want to grow in the next few weeks.

Design your own little ritual that has meaning for you to clear the way forward.  You can clear yourself and your space with herbs, sound, a bath, or literal sweeping.  Imagine the lunar goddess lighting your life, and ask the Universal energy to guide that light towards your intentions.  If you want more tips, check out our Space-clearing event later this month.

Practical improvements


Virgo is an earth sign. The little things you get done in the next few weeks will help you feel more grounded, secure, and present within your life.  In addition, Earth signs literally symbolise nature itself, so  try spend some time outdoors if you can.  That could entail spending a few moments over the next few weeks visually communing with the moon as it grows in light.  You can listen to a nature sound track, or get right into the wind whipping along the ocean front. Reach out and connect to nature. Your soul will thank you.

Using your mind and hands

Virgo is dexterous, handy and crafty. It supports using your mind and hands to create art, crafts, practical solutions, lists, improve processes, or even build puzzles. Partake in an activity that activates your mind and heart over the next lunar cycle.

Health habits

Virgo raises questions about nutrition, our gut, and being healthy.  That could be cooking better family meals, choosing healthier snacks, or just trying to find new ways to better manage stress and mental chatter.  This could include trying not to deal with email or overwhelming news at night, starting the day with a little stretch, taking a walk, eating earlier, having better snacks ready when we get nibbly ... all the things we already know! 

We are being encouraged to put these habits into place for ourselves and those we care about.  The Virgo new moon cycle is a wonderful time to consciously make better changes, and help your new (small and/or or radical!) changes stick!

A helping hand

The very first lunar aspect (1 minute after!) is a bit of a shake-up to help get you going! The moon trines Uranus in Taurus.  This is a practical stirring that helps you light the spark.  It tips you off your couch and hands you a sports drink to get going.  So if you get a random urge to sort out a shelf, delete old emails, or try a new way of doing things– go with it, that firepower may help you achieve more than you could imagine! As it moves along the moon also picks up some zoot-juice from Mars, giving you the energy to get your organising done.


The moon represents your inner emotions, and those old and sad messages to yourself you've forgotten in the back of your soul-closet.  Take the time to create new healthy, happy, and loving habits inside yourself.  Declutter your spirit of all those self undoing thoughts, habits, "should's" and "could's".  Allow yourself a new start, a clean start, with as little baggage as possible.

This is a great month to be kind to you!  Those new wholesome habits and the gentle empathy for yourself will help you breathe better, and grow a more fulfilled and loved you.

Happy clearing!  You’ll be so glad you make some space for the light and new.

May La Luna goddess wishes touch your heart as you move towards a more holistic you.  Those little steps of lunar light will change your space, and the world at large as well.  Goodness within, literally creates more goodness without.

Happy new moon!


Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

[Republished from prior website; shares, likes and comments omitted]

Virgo new moon

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