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Oops I did it again
Oops I did it again
Sep 29, 2021
Liezl James

Reversing Mercury

You've probably heard all about it in the news, Mercury has gone retrograde! It's current news, but not new news - it happens three or four times a year. Mercury went retrograde on the 28 September, and will go direct again on 18/19 October 2021.

This cycle has become such a big 'hooha' because our world is so interconnected with deals, communications, technology, and the over-thinking, always very busy, mind.  Mercury represents those messages and intellectual features.  Therefore a converse Mercury could stall, upset, delay or just generally make the usual 'modus operandi' a bumpy ride.

What is Rx?

Retrograde is notated as Rx next to a planet that appears to be reversing it's usual forward direction.  When a planet in the sky slows down, the earth moves faster it, and we 'overtake' it.  When this happens it appears as if the planet is moving away from us, going backwards, or retrograde. Think of driving past a parked car, as you move away you can see it in your rearview mirror.

Other planets go retrograde too, just not as often as their cycles are a lot slower.

Retrograde key words: RE-everything: revisit, renew, redo, reimagine, redefine etc.

Note: deals have and will always be made during this time.  It's not ideal, but it's not a disaster!  You gotta do what you gotta do.  If you can delay decisions, purchases, contracts, negotiations etc. do that, but otherwise don't stress too much.  If something needs to be refined later on - life happens!

What does that mean?

Generally it means we are not thinking as fast as we usually do, so we may say the wrong thing, or make a deal we regret, or just fluff.  I myself made the most basic error yesterday when looking at some chart data with clients, of course I impulsively blamed Mercury, which was awfully wrong.  It wasn't Mercury's fault, it was my oversight!  The fact is there are cycles in everything, a time to be a bright spark, and a time to be kind if mistakes or mishaps happen.

Communication is often seen as talking TO the outside world, it is giving your opinion and sharing your thoughts - outwards.  Normal, direct Mercury, is about giving.   

Retrograde, converse  Mercury, is about receiving. 

This is a time to look inward.  It is  a time to communicate with yourself.  To tune in to what you need to listen to within, to review your own inner views on life.  It is a time to realise what YOU need to hear and refine.

The planet Mercury represents WHAT is in focus right now - communications.

This Mercury Rx - in Libra

Libra, the sign Mercury is currently residing in, represents WHERE we can best concentrate our efforts during this cycle - in Libra type things. 

Libra is symbolised by the scales.  At its simplest it is about maintaining balance, in everything.  It can also refer to harmony in relationships, keeping the peace, being fair, and finding a compromise.  It is diplomatic, sophisticated, and concerned with intellect, the mind and all that is created and communicated within that sphere. Libra also holds beauty and the arts in high esteem.

Libra woman

When thinking about Libra, I often imagine a beautiful woman, impeccably dressed, sitting at a Parisienne table with the finest wine in a beautiful crystal glass, holding court at a 'Salon'.  

Salon is a fancy word for a social gathering,  tastefully arranged to inspire.  The objective is to grow one's knowledge through witty and entertaining conversation.

Venus, Libra's sign ruler, shows us HOW to go about this retro cycle. 

The goddess of love and pleasure adds her luxurious vibes to this cycle.  She wraps everything in a sweet smelling, delectable glow of wondrous.  She brings fine wine and sweet treats, sparkling lights and soft silks - she brings the magic to this earthly plane. 

Goddess Venus entices us to indulge in the fine things the earth has to offer.

Exploring the meaning

Perhaps, this retrograde cycle is about focusing on what inspires YOU.  About contemplating ways you can increase your knowledge in the things, feelings, and relationships you appreciate.  About making space to immerse yourself in the things that make you smile, and delight in life!

WHAT to focus on > communicating, particularly with yourself.

WHERE to direct your focus > finding balance and harmony, with your values, and others.

HOW > indulge in the things that lift your heart and mind.

Heart and mind

Oops I did it again

The heart wants what the heart wants

The phrase "Oops I did it again" just popped into my head this morning, three times actually, all before my first cup of coffee! You may recognise this as the lyrics from a Britney Spears song.

Why? Well, because, I did a thing.  My bank account is currently hyperventilating.  As a result I have judiciously avoided (online) window shopping and any sort of splurges (other than chocolate - that doesn't count) for a loooong time. 

But, this very morning, an arbitrary Wednesday morning, the day we put the dirt out ... with no warning - I did a thing. 

Tidal Soul Studio

I bought jewellery. Obviously I really don't need it to survive, but I absolutely felt I needed it to LIVE! 

It was soul-lifting, wild Irish magic, ocean inspired jewellery, by Emer at Tidal Soul Studio.  

Check out the art treasures, sign up for the creative tips newsletter, or if you're more into experiences check out the courses and find your inner joy. You're bound to be mesmerised!

Image from Tidal Soul Studio.

Ok so back to the oops (that side-track was Mercury retrograde in action).

I've been eyeing out Emer's dreamy little rockpools of blissful wonder for more than a year now. This morning I dutifully checked into my social media, and Emer's necklace was front and centre. Honestly, I hesitated for about 1.78 seconds before it was bought and paid for. 

I then confessed my misdeed to my partner, and while showing him my oops, I found another, and he encouraged me to get that too (took another 1.78 seconds). 

Then I thought of someone who would adore it, and messaged Emer to let me know if another pops up.  Would you know it, she just happened to have another piece, and um ... 'Oops, I did it again!' After a long time of withholding, I just dived in and over-indulged in wonder!

After that lovely little interlude to satisfy my ocean obsession and the self pampering with objects de art (sheesh I'm having a French day!) ... I went off to work. 

A mere 1 email later my partner popped in to say "today is the day we're changing your office".  I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and have always put it off due to more pragmatic life stuff. Naturally I hopped at the help, and a boring Wednesday turned into a new view (I now look out the window, instead of a bleh wall). There was a teenie little technical mishap where we couldn't get into my laptop for a while. But overall, it worked out ok and I am inspired!

The mind looks at both sides

Lately I've made a rational decision to return to my old skills to build up my resources, so I can move forward again.

In the last few days I've also found myself evaluating where I made a wrong turn that got me back to the old path.  I have discovered that my values and intentions are still valid, and I still believe in them! I've also been honest and realised I need to find a way to sustain those values. My compromise is to source a different kind of work, that may accommodate sustainability, as well as my values.

I've looked back, reviewed, and reconsidered my past actions.  In essence re-defined my values to myself, and where I can compromise.  I've considered work / life balance, as well as giving AND receiving. And finally, acknowledging what has true meaning for me.

I need to be inspired to do my best work. 

Here are the interesting little Astro gems in the story ... Libra is my second house of resources.  That represents money in the bank, and also how I build my self-esteem and self-worth.  I value the sea, and am inspired by artistic beauty, so I spent money and time on that, to help me pursue the path that aligns with who I am.

In addition, Libra represents relationships.  My partner played a big part in helping me find my way today.  Venus added that loving generosity and happy synchronicity when Emer happened to have another blissful rockpool. And Mercury, well my laptop is a resource, and it went a little batty for a bit!

Mercury Rx? Revisiting what I value, and why.


The Astrology of the story

When I finally got back onto my computer in my new setup, I HAD to look up the Astrology. Libra currently contains the Sun, impulsive Mars, and Retrograde Mercury. 

So all the Libra things mentioned above. Plus the added emphasis of the Sun, guiding us to focus on our core selves and purpose in that arena.  Where can we find balance - by indulging ourselves, but also in how we sustain those desires.

Mars, represents desire, passion, and rapid impulses that aren't always wise!  So watch those impulsive purchases don't make you say oops a few times :-).  It also represents honouring that which drives you and inspires you, and spending valuable effort on that.

Mercury retrograde about looking at your core identity, drives, passions and values - and being honest with yourself about them.  Take the time to ponder what you care about, and make it happen.

The point

Find the balance between your heart and mind. 

I hope you take this time to do that for yourself, you're worth it!

Until next time, blissful wonderings of the soul to you,


Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

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