Astral Hippie Astrology Celestial Promise
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Astrology Blog
Sep 21, 2021
Liezl James

We are about to enter a Twilight of sorts. Twilight is the magic moment between night and day. These beautiful few moments are where things start to change, and anything could happen.


The Equinox is when the day and night are almost equal, and the sun is directly above the equator. It is the moment where we find that perfect midpoint between the season that is leaving, and the one arriving. 

This Equinox heralds the start of Libra season, when the sun moves into the sign of Libra.  It is represented by the scales, and ruled by the Goddess of love and beauty, Venus. In the Southern hemisphere, Libra season is the start of Spring, of life and rebirth and extending outwards. In the Northern hemisphere, it brings forth bright autumnal beauty, and is a time of harvesting, regrouping, and turning inwards. 

Wherever you are, at the Equinox the world seems to hold its breath for a looooong moment. The air stands still mid swirl, things are different, but you don’t yet know how or why. It is a time to sense the energy in the air, and feel the way forward.


That is how I feel at twilight. It’s a time to watch the wondrous, to sense the change, to stop, and take it all in before hurrying along. It’s a time to feel into the world, be a part of it, acknowledge its magnificence, magic, and steadfast hope.

The in-between promises it all, and nothing. It is powerful, but not tangible in the usual sense. You sense the solid earth that provides abundance, you feel the flitting breeze that whispers ideas and change, you are surrounded by the growing moisture that renews, and the sky is lit up with the fire that ignites your inner, unnamable passion.  

Twilight symbolises balance at its most spectacular and powerful. It’s there but it’s not, it’s normal, but different, it ends and begins all at the same time.

Venus goddess

Libra Venus is the Doyenne of beauty, lusciousness, harmony, artistic creation and appreciation. 

She exudes luxury, pleasant fulfilment, and just all that is fair and lovely.  She speaks in the right tone, soothes disquiet, negotiates compromise, and revels in a balanced, peaceful environment.  

She is patron of the arts, be they a perfectly placed throw pillow on your couch, a delightful turn of phrase, a graceful and innocent skip, or a delectable meal.

Keeping that in mind, put that gracious lady in the depths of night, after midnight, in a dark and mysterious part of town. Not panicking, but slightly out of her well-lit-sparkly-ballroom comfort zone. Venus is in the sign of Scorpio, where we dig below the surface to the striking truth. We are being asked to be enchanted by the unusual (Uranus), the mysterious. 

The start of this Libra season encourages us to look and feel a bit deeper than we usually do. Be overwhelmed by the scent of night flowering magnolias, the soulful moon, the silhouette of a statue, the whisper of willow, the loving stroll of a couple heading home in the shadows. To appreciate the quiet notes of late-night music echoing from a balcony, friends chuckling in the distance after a night of mishaps. The banding together of souls on the street, be they night shift workers heading home, or animals finding comfort in shared rest. The strength in togetherness and relatability that is more subtle than a party’s guest list, but perhaps made even stronger by adversity and authenticity. 

It is finding beauty in strength, graceful power, harmonious striving, perfection in skilled execution. Balance, in a new way.

Appreciation of a different kind of beauty

The next 4 months

The equinox moment provides an Astrology chart which outlines themes for the next three months (until the December Solstice). It is a layer that overlays all the sky changes that may occur during that period.

Cardinal Libra rising (1st house) is initiating change, getting things going, in a diplomatic way. The fiery Mars in Libra gives us some oomph to get that desire realised over the next four months.  The sun there reminds us to be true to ourselves, and our highest purpose.

Communicative Mercury will also be around for a while, giving voice to our strategic plans. It’s a great time to be assertive about something you believe in, ask for what you want, start the thing, do the work and let it bloom (trine Jupiter). 

Of course, a passionate voice can sometimes be impulsive and rash. So tap into strategic Saturn (exalted in Libra) to cool things down and help you be patient until the time is right, for the powerful moment that transforms (Pluto in Capricorn 4th house, square Mercury).

Your WHY

The key here is to stop for a moment, and focus on your WHY. Ensure it is worthy, and creates that spark of joy, then continue with your plans. If its not fulfilling in some way, you may not have the passion or patience for that particular quest. Your values are the magic ingredient here that starts the engine going.

Mercury gives voice to what you care about, and being on the bright star of Spica offers potential for great success in cultivating that dream, and manifesting it in reality. Use your ideas, thoughts, values and WHY – and let that guide your actions to success.

Venus in Scorpio (second house), offers a way to appreciate incoming resources in a different way. Think of ways of realising value in your life that could be just as beneficial as cash in hand. Perhaps more flexibility, greater autonomy, or alternate benefits. Things that meet your desire to be respected and heard aren’t always in your bank account.

La Luna Cycles

Pisces full moon

The recent Pisces full moon asked us to dream and tune-in. We are now in the wind-down cycle from that pinnacle lunation. 

As the brightness recedes, and we move down the hill, we need to release emotions, ideas, thoughts and physical items. Its pruning that which didn’t ripen and releasing with gratitude that which no longer serves.  

This is a time to focus on that which will continue to bring us true joy, and take that forward with us into the new season, and cycle.

That dreamy bright moon has a fiery tail, helping us take action and not just daydream. The first aspect (Moon in Aries opposite Mars in Libra) provides extra insight into this lunar phase. It has a Spirit warrior vibe, fighting for what you believe in, and taking action without upsetting the apple cart. It is a fine-tuned and masterful balancing act of finding harmonious ways to express that molten lava energy in a way that uplifts. It is not easy to avoid frustration and have a positive environment, but it is possible. Think of finely tuned athletes beautifully signifying explosive motion in their moves. 

The fiery Moon in Aries spirit warrior is also a signature that remains over the next 4 months. Actively do something - express yourself creatively, work on manifesting something that has beauty in your eyes. There is chance it may just surprise you with profound success (Jupiter sextile moon, squares Venus). 

The potential for fulfilment is a heart-happy spot hidden in the mists of twilight. It may have the semblance of whimsy, or perhaps a fond dream magically coming true in real life. (Venus trine Neptune). The impossible does sometimes become possible, don’t hold on too tightly though, and go with your senses not your impulses.

The next lunation is a new moon on 6/7 October is in Libra. A double highlighting of balance.

They key here is finding the balance.  Master the art of taking action, and finding value in your heart (Cancer Mc). Find the worth in that which lights your fire, captivates your imagination, and echoes your true values. 

Harmonise your heart and  mind, in your own authentic and unique way.  Find the blissful connection that lives within you, and do something to actualize it in the day, don't leave it behind in your dreams at night.

Happy Equinox!

Liezl@ Astral Hippie Astrology

Equinox in NZ: 23 September 2021, 07:21am, Libra rising.

Unique balance

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