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Intense times!
Intense times!
Oct 26, 2021
Liezl James

Scorpio season

On the 23 of October, the sun moved into the sign of Scorpio.  Sounds inane right. 

But, have you FELT how everything suddenly has this extra shade of intensity?  It's all edgy, hair-trigger decisions, blow the bank impulses, pissy sarcasm, and deep, authentic conversations.  Things you've never heard or thought of are suddenly being unearthed, and changing the hue of your world.

Scorpio is authentic everything.  There's no time for BS over the next month.

The next few weeks will feel like home for Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising signs.  Everyone will finally be speaking their language.  Halloween decorations, dark humour, and intense conversations will be everywhere - allowing them a space to just breathe, and be themselves.

Quick rant

Everybody has a bit of Scorpio somewhere in their charts.  The intense symbolism could play a major or minor role in your life, depending on your birth chart, but its always there!  (Get your free DIY Astro guide here to look up yours).

I would dearly appreciate people being informed when making broad statements such as "I hate Scorpio's" that they are talking about some part of their life too!  There's a good chance that the sun sign Scorpio's in earshot will relish the love/hate comments - intensity is life, and at very least that's honest and direct.  Now you know too.

The Scorpions truthful sting

Scorpio Symbol

The Scorpion represents the sign of Scorpio, which is named after the constellation Scorpius.  

The symbol for Scorpio also features the predatory arachnid's sting in the tail of the 'm' symbol.  

Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac, the creatures have 8 legs, and it is associated with the 8th house of death, (and taxes ;-), and other people's resources.

Scorpio represents transformation.  Philosophically it links to the Persephone myth of death and rebirth, power from pain, strength from acceptance, and fulfillment from authentic truth.  The figure 8, turned on its side, is the symbol of infinity.  It is eternal.

So what the hell do we do with all those definitions?

We recognise that where we dig down, and see the shadow sides of ourselves, we find truth.  Our own, eternal, infinite truth. 

Self flagellation, and contemplation

When you first remove the outer veneer of your life, and stand naked in front of your internal mirror - it will sting.  As you contemplate yourself, challenge every one of those preconceptions oozing out ...

You will eventually realise that you don't can't possibly experience others view of the world, you can't possibly have the exact life experiences that shape their ideas.  You are not them, you are you.  Which means all their judgements are irrelevant. {{{{  Mike drop  }}}}.

You can only feel and sense and live in your own skin, and in your own soul. 

You'll realise that if you wound yourself, you are damaging your own chances at growing and thriving in the world, you are damaging your own experience of life. You are whittling away at the resources you do have, your strength and confidence. 

Don't you want the best experience of life you can have? Don't you want to acknowledge the crap, the hurt, the mistakes, and just move on from it? That seems so much easier than spending all that time and energy trying to avoid it, forget it, make excuses for it, or cover it up.

Challenging the fake status quo is the sting in the tail.  The resulting realisation of your own truth is the thing that makes you feel alive.  Being honest with yourself is what seats  you smack bang in the middle of your own power, giving you strength of will and the everlasting endurance of the soul. 

It is the transformation that empowers you from the inside out,

That is the gift of Scorpio season.

Liquid feelings

Scorpio Psychic

Scorpio is a water sign.  It imbues this time (and those with strong Scorpio signatures) with insightful 'Scorpio Sensing'.  This can be as strong as clairsentient pyschic awareness, or just the simple tingling of your spidey senses.  Your perceptivenss will definitely be heightened during Scoprio season.

The water element describes this signs intuitive and emotive properties.  This is not your everyday nurturing of a bubbling brook though ... it is the deep dark and mysterious caverns of ground water running below us.  We are not always aware of them, and they can be powerful and dangerous.

It probably wasn't you

When your Spidey senses are humming, you may randomly pick up vibes from people, and immediately start obsessing about what you did wrong to upset them, anger them, hurt their feelings, or make them roll their eyes at you in disdain like a loud and proud, very cool, too cool for you, teenager.

Every now and then I waste a few hours of my life on misreading these 'Scorpio sensing' vibes (I have a Scorpio moon).  Sometimes I'll be at a shop checkout counter, and get this nagging feeling I've unwittingly pissed the person off somehow.  I feel squirly, and judged, and I swear I was only trying to be nice!  So I go home, and spend a few hours analysing what I did wrong so I don't ever have to feel so chided again. I wonder if I stupidly packed the cold milk with the warm bread, or put bananas in with pasta or some such epic misstep.

After a while of feeling absolutely horrible that I ruined that poor persons day (Lordy knows how, but  I know I did something, I felt it) ... I remember, I was told this would happen.  I would feel and sense things, and be convinced I'd caused it - but it probably had absolutely nothing to do with me.

That person could have been having a crappy day because they were tired from studying, or perhaps not feeling well, or were upset by a family spat, embroiled in office politics, or were still steaming from the rude customer that preceded me.

I was sensing it, but I didn't cause it. 

Watch out for these misconceptions during Scorpio season, they'll catch you totally unawares!  You may not believe you have Scorpio Sensing, you may event 'Hate Scorpios', ... I promise you, you do have tingly - hair standing up - senses, and they will be on overdrive for the next few weeks!

The Mars factor

Mars rules Scorpio, giving it a fierce firepower that blows sky high.  Mars ruled Scorpio emotions are however not always externally obvious.  They are the wounds that sear our soul, forever.  These feelings  shake our core.  Scorponion emotions hold the story of eternal souls destined to share a universe of eternal love, or hate, over, and over, and over again. 

The blithe joke is - "Betray a Scorpio soul at your own peril".  The reality is that shit HURTS! When a Scorpio pond is pierced, the overwhelming sensations bring you to your knees. 

If you are dealing with a hurt that is beyond the everyday cuts and scrapes, a difficult soul tearing hurt - honour it, be tender.  Treat your feelings with the respect you deserve.  The world may not see the depth of that wound, but you certainly feel it.  And when you are ready to face your pain ... that is the time to feel through it, it is the only way out.  This authentic emotion deserves honesty; it deserves your sincere feeling, grieving, and recognition of it.  By honouring your feels, by seeing them, you can release them.   

Don't bury it, or blame, or turn it into toxic resentment.  Own it, and make it part of your inner strength.

Upping the ante

Scorpio vibes are highlighted until at least the 24 November, by when the sun and Mercury would have moved onto different themes.  However, the Scorpio intensity will probably linger on till mid December (when Mars moves on), especially around topics you are impassioned about.

What's more, intense times are made more intense with a Scorpio new moon on 3/4 November, and a new cycle of Scorpio / Taurus eclipses being initiated later in the month.

What does that mean?  A LOT of intense, deep, dark and mysterious Scorpio vibes.

A brutally honest voice

What's more, these sultry, sassy, searingly direct and obnoxiously honest themes may not slink silently into the night, they may develop themselves a brutally honest voice.  Be cautious with your communications, the sugar coating is likely to be glaringly absent!  This is especially true with emotive issues.  Your fuse may just blow the hidden chasm wide open.  This is not a bad thing, but it's not necessarily easy, or nice. 

Scorpio season, and Scorpio sensitive people are often involved in whistle blowing, or uncovering hidden secrets.  They are the quintessential perfect spy, with the courage to tell the world if they feel it should be told. 

Let's say this top secret containment protocol simply involves trying to hide a broken ornament.  This can go a few ways during Scorpio season with a voice ...

  1. Your blood brother Scorpio compadre takes the secret to their grave, keeping the misdemeanor a mystery forever.
  2. Your own over-wired deelie bopper conscience makes you blurt it out.
  3. Or, the curious cat scratches out the evidence at the most inopportune time.

Such are the universal influences during the next month.  Keep an eye out for secrets bubbling up to the surface, or hidden agendas being made public.  A key time to note for this is around 30 October (Sun square Saturn), when unveiling secrets may show a new way forward.  This transit sets the scene for a number of shake-ups arising in November.

Tumultous upheaval

In the last few months you may have had a tumultous issue that forced you to decide on  path, or caused an upheaval in your peace of mind.  You may have been confronted with something that had to be overcome, there was no way around it (Mercury square Pluto).


  • Part 1 of that story peaked 23 September.
  • Part 2 could have been evident around 2 October.
  • Part 3 will bring a final face-off of these challenges around 2 November. 

Did you perhaps decide to let something go, and end it?  Did you dramatically change something?  It could have been about the tension between a socially acceptable thing, and the building blocks of your future.  Or perhaps you were faced with a discord between your relationship ideals, and the reality of your long term life goals.

Something had to give, and you had to decide what that would be.  It may not have been a big life-changing thing, it could have been a tiny internal thought.  That decision will help you move forward.  You may not know it now, but you will see the outcome of that story in the future. 

If any of this rings true for you, don't fear this decision, face it head on.  Use the Scorpio season insights and strength to help you.  Your decision will empower you - simply because you have the courage to make it. 

All you can do is make the best decision you can right now, with the information and feelings you have right now.  You may adjust your course in the future, and  that is perfectly fine, you will make the best decision you can then.  But for now, just do the best you can, and honour that.

Helping Hands

A bright light holds our hand in early November.  This lucky light has been present in parallel with the  story of friction we just spoke about (Mercury trine Jupiter). 

It may have manifested as signs that helped you overcome the challenge being presented to you.  Or perhaps it was just a few fortunate occurrences that added a sparkle to your day. 

The themes would have been around innovation, perhaps coming up with something new to resolve the concern at hand.  The support from the Universe may have helped you decide on a course of action to soothe the dilemma of the mind and social conventions

The helping hands brightest days were 21 September, and 4 October.  There is a lovely opportunity for beneficial happenings on 29 October (Venus sextile Jupiter), and a final one on 1 November (Mercury trine Jupiter), after which this particular dance of good fortune subsides.

Personal challenges and Subtle victories

My story of challenges and triumphs from September has only just now become startlingly clear to me as I looked up those upheaval and lucky dates. 

I had an absolute (dramatic) crises of conscious at the end of September.  I wasn't enough, my endeavors were flailing.  I felt urgently compelled to do something to fix it, I absolutely had to help our relationship and build a sustainable future.  So I went on a whirlwind of cost cutting (I was down to the last remnants anyway), and did the embarrassing social thing of closing down some business stuff.  I applied for jobs every waking moment, wrote up stellar proposals, contacted networks, had interviews, did tests etc. etc. Oh, and my health took an about turn to the bottom of the cliff.

While I was on this manic tasmanian devil spin, I also spent a few bob on setting up a few little features to keep another endeavor going.  This small on the side thing was something close to my heart, but more importantly - aligned with my long term view of where I wanted to be (one day).  I gave it horns, spending $40 (I know right, but pennies count) to get it ticking along.

Then, I had another little rubber smoking doughnut circle mayhem storm in a teacup - what the hell was I doing!  I couldn't afford to spend even a cent on something that wasn't big enough to deliver the goods and fix it now.  But I kind of kept it up in the wee weekend hours, and plugged along.  If you don't work on your long term goals how on earth will they mature?  And I got my little helping nudge, in quite a few ways.  The  corporate interviews went well, but were too far away, or not quite suited to my skill set. Everyone was lovely, but it just didn't work out, none of the 40+ things I applied for. 

A kind-hearted soul in a grief filled place took the time to let little old me know what I was doing counted.  She sent me private emails, wrote reviews, and dropped me a note or too, not once, many many times over the last 2 months.  This angel who is in the darkest time of her life sent a bright light to build me up, and supported me from afar.  I've never even met this Celtic Mage,  and she did that for me.  Could there be any greater sign of good fortune, and selfless love!  I had a few other fairy god mothers get in touch and point out the brighter path with the pixie dust of truth too.  Of Scottish origin one of those wise woman was.  Mmmm sensing a theme here ...

The angel and the devil

Sometimes the devil is what the world says should count, but is the very thing that is misaligned to who you are and what you should do.  If you do the hard thing, even if it is socially embarrassing to take a step back, and fess up to those closest to you, and listen to their response ... you open up a path to your highest self.  And the Universe rewards you with signs you are heading in the right direction.

I'm rather curious what will transpire with the final chapter of this story!

Kitty cats

There are a number of reasons I chose a cat for the title image.  I have a black cat called Shay (aka plinky plonky).  In the build up to Halloween there have been a few posts about black cats in social media feeds, "Black cats steal hearts, not souls" being one of them.  There was also a few animal shelter plea's to keep your black cats inside so they don't get hurt by people who think they are evil.  Holy shit.  Seriously, why on earth would anyone want to hurt a cat like my cuddlable Shay kitty.

This black cat drama was a perfecto metaphor for the often misunderstood Scorpio folks.


  • Yes, Scorpio folks may get in your face if they care about something (Shay is an avid meouwer if you don't pet her). 
  • Yes, there are a myriad of darkly intense stories involving switch blades and the odd murder mystery (Shay does like her claws to be highly visible, takes great delight in showcasing them one at a time, and yes, she has brought us the occasional lizard to save from her fangs).
  • Yes, they are intensely intuitive, and will find you if you are putting out vibes, and ask you directly what's wrong (with a giant meoooowwww, followed up by a hefty paw club).

But, these prickly seductive souls have deeeeeep and loyal hearts.  They mean you no harm, they just want to be loved, understood, and accepted, the same as all of us.  Scorpio folks have a driving need to be authentic, and true to themselves.  They can't help it if most of society thinks that's meeaooowwwly wrong, they're just being their purry (Switch-bladey) midnight mistress selves.

Dark supporters

“And, if you cannot find your way out of the darkness I will sit there with you and show you the stars.”  This quote by N.R. Hart personifies Scorpio peeps (see more about dark desires here).  This is a nod to the black cats that hug your side and keep you company when you are at your lowest.  They don't leave even if you're pissy, or non-attentive, or were late with their food.  They make you notice they are there, and they make you notice that someone cares. 

Our other cat, Pixie spends a lot of time outside, the perils of which include being chased by neighboring male cats.  A few days ago she came tearing inside, hyperventilating and gagging from shock.  She sprinted under our bed and hid there.  Shay and Pixie are young sisters, which sometimes includes the odd bitch slap, and stringently maintained independent sleeping areas.  On this occasion, Shay quietly followed  Pixie under the bed, and just sat there, close by, in the dark, for 45 minutes until she calmed down.  That moment, was the inspiration for this article.  That sometimes kind souls will  just sit there with you in the dark place, and show you the stars.

When the going gets tough, Scorpios are the ones bailing you out of sadness, loneliness, break-ups, jail cells, clinics, and 2am ice cream tubs, or Vodka, as the situation calls for it.  These people deal with the dark stuff that no-one else wants to deal with.  They are often Surgeons, Emergency Personnel, Councilors, or  Psychologists.  People with a strong Scorpio influence are the tip of the Spirit Warrior Spear.  They are loyal to a fault, often to their own detriment.   They care, deeply.  They are dedicated, and will suffer to make it right. Scorpio folks show up when no-one else will. 


Old Hallows Eve, Samhain, and the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) are associated with the "thinning of the veil" between the physical and spiritual.  It celebrates the harvest, ushers in the dark side of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere), and greets our ancestors.  It acknowledges those that have gone before, and connects to that beyond our physical sight. 

Scorpio time ties in so well with this.  It recognises there is yin and yang in all.  It respects where we have come from, and the sacrifices made to get us here.  It honours the dead, and the light that continues. 

Open your mind and senses during this time.  Silently send a thanks to those we can't see.  Trust your insights, there is an opportunity for them to be profound.

Spiritual Power

The final reason I chose the cat image was because of Bastet, or Bast, the Egyptian feline goddess. who is linked to Cats.  Cat's were and are protectors.  They see what we often cannot, and their ESP senses are wide open.  Spiritually they are seen as connectors to or vessels for 'the gods', and carry the essence of Bast, who is linked to fertility, and protects the home from evil and diseases. 

Cats are a bridge beyond. They represent power beyond what we know for sure.

The intensity of a cat stare seems to align with the current Cosmic weather.  The guidance right now is to heed the difficult paths, to face them head on.  You have enhanced insight right now to decide how to deal with these revelations.  This quest empowers you by knowing your own truth.  It gives you the strength and resilience of the Scorpion to transform yourself beyond pain.  It helps you to accept your whole self, dark and light.

Intense vibes

Scorpio often seems to have some association with Astrologers.  I think it is because of the desire to explore deeper, to transform ourselves and grow and evolve to our highest and most authentic selves. The spiritual link enables healing of the deepest kind, both back in our lineage and for our future souls.

I hope you use the gifts of this season to inspire your personal journeys.  We are all in this together, and there are always beings to guide you, even if you don't realise it.  These angelic light bringers are often out of sight though, and only by you reaching for your own authenticity can you enable the open-ness that encourages linking to others.

I see you, dark and light, and honour the spirit warrior within YOU!

Liezl @ Astral Hippie Astrology

P.S. Got a story to share, thoughts or questions? Pop in a note below, join the conversation!

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