Astral Hippie Astrology Celestial Promise
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Astrology Blog
Forward ho!
Forward ho!
Oct 12, 2021
Liezl James

Light is shining through the mists

A plethora of planets are starting to move forward! The mists are clearing, realisation's are crystalising, and we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

  • 6/7 October: Pluto turned direct
  • 10/11 October: Saturn turned direct
  • 18 October: Jupiter turns direct
  • 18/19 October: Mercury turns direct


What is Turning Direct?

A planet's usual forward motion is direct. 

These planets have all been retrograde, which is when they appear to be going backwards in the sky from our perspective.  When they ' turn direct', they resume their usual forward motion.  You can read more about retrograde in this recent post.

What does it represent?

Broadly speaking, a retrograde period is about slowing down and turning inwards.  It is a time to refine our views on the world.

Once the planet turns direct again, it starts picking up speed and having an outside impact.  It starts moving forward and getting things done.

This many planets changing direction at the same is quite unique.  It means many situations will start gathering momentum in different areas of your life. A forward ho! march as such :-).

Today we'll look at Pluto and Saturn themes, and see how they inform our new path forward.  We'll dig into Jupiter and Mercury next week as we continue this theme of moving forward.

All Powerful Pluto

Pluto delineations are aligned with the mythology of Hades, the Lord of the underworld. It also relates to Shiva, Hindu god of death and rebirth

Pluto is dark, possibly traumatic, and always transformative.  It holds almighty power, as seen in people that have phenomenal impact in the world.  For example, Edgar Cayce has Pluto in the area of public notoriety, Bill Gates has Pluto in his house of money, and Warren Buffet's Pluto is placed in the house of other people's money (investments).

For everyday mere mortals of the world, Pluto is often where we have our greatest power, but don't easily recognise it - we are very good at hiding it from ourselves.

Pluto moves veerrrry slowly, so it is seen as a generational planet, where many people will share the same Pluto sign.  It is also erratic, and can be in a sign for anything from 9 to 30 years! It was only 'discovered' in 1930, so we still have much to learn about it.

Setting the stage: Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2024

Pluto has been meandering (mostly) through Capricorn since 2008, and will be there until 2024. So underlying power during this era is related to ambitions, being driven, prudent, and business orientated.  It also indicates disruptions to age-old conventions, politics, and anything that is outdated, reserved and a bit dusty.  

The Capricorn part of your life is where you work hard to achieve your goals.  It is most evident in the things that you don't see as chores.  You are disciplined in your pursuits, recognise the value in long term effort, and are prepared to be patient for the rewards.  

In my case, if I'm working on creative stuff, I can spend hours perfecting the  silliest things to help my work benefit in the future.  I do these self study sessions on the weekend, in my private time.  I don't bemoan the effort, I don't get paid for it, I see it as in investment  in my long-term future, and very much value the time I am able to put into it. I have been resisting my definitely-not-Michelangelo side most of my life, but always find joy in beauty and creativity. 

It's ok, it's allowed, I'm me, I don't have to be Picasso to do it or enjoy it! While I'm on the subject, if you haven't touched a paintbrush since pre-school, try out this 20 minute creative exercise by the Ocean Goddess Emer O'Neill to ease stress and anxiety. Its fun, non-judgy, and really does help!

What are you currently dedicated to that you hope will bring rewards later on?  Is there an area of you life you are focusing on to fulfil your "bigger picture" life goals? That is probably the Capricorn area of your life.  That is also where Pluto has been disrupting your devotional toil, and causing you to stop and reconsider what you are doing, why you are doing it, and if you truly care about doing it at all.

The primary theme of Pluto in Capricorn is about transforming old structures, thoughts and beliefs in pragmatic (earth) ways.  It also involves power struggles related to authority.  This transformation isn't quick or easy.  We will all tend to cling to what we know, and it will probably take a while to break through our blinkers.  Pluto's own random and slow cycle speaks to this.  

Pluto in Capricorn

But, when you break through, it's a thing of earth shattering and epic rising from the dead.  You can't unsee it, and you can't unthink it.     You just know it. 

It is simply your new way of being, inclusive of the sexy scars and hellfire singed hair - but stronger because of it.

What area of your life have you revamped, turned upside down, and found a more authentic way of being true to you?

My Capricorn Pluto story

I happen to have staunch and reserved old man Capricorn representing my house of creativity and fun. I know, bleh right.  How the hell do you reconcile staid old ways and stiff upper lip reserved societal structures, with creating new, exciting and unique things? You stop bashing your head against what you perceive the rules to be.  You walk away from reserved old ways, and you create your own platform of wonder.  My Capricorn Saturn ruler happens to be in the sign of creative Leo - a sign of rulership, confidence and owning one's (flamboyant) greatness.  I may seem reserved, but I have been known to swish around covered in sparkles while wearing my practical shorts ;-).

So how did I bleed from this Pluto in Capricorn transformation? I had this pre-conceived notion that if I worked extremely hard, kept my nose clean, suffered, made the 'correct' choice (not the fun one) and did all the things you are supposed to do to succeed - I would. And, well, most of those initiatives failed over the years. I had to walk away, let it go, and in my partners words "let the world come to me".  I had to entirely transform my view of the world, and rebuild creative structures in my way, even if it was seen as weird or made no sense.  It is the only way I can find my way forward. 

Capricorn energy represents the long term, sustainable way.  It has taken me more than a decade to realise these truths.  Various Pluto transits have blown my misconceptions out of the water.  They have made me realise I couldn't possibly continue the old way, it was literally sapping my health and happiness.  I had to forge a new way.  I had to formulate my own rules to survive, and thrive.  It's not selfish, it's not wrong or right, it's just how I work best.  And that is the foundation I need to build on in this new journey. 

It has literally taken me 3/4 of this transit through Capricorn to figure this out.  I'm hoping I can emerge in 2024 a better, stronger, more authentic human being.  I truly hope you do too! 

The current era: April to October 2021

Pluto kicked off a worldwide transformation at the beginning of 2020 (article here.) It then went retrograde on 25 April 2021 (Pluto Rx article here).

This prompted a review of all the life structures that had been blown up, and a ponderance of the misconceptions that had been unearthed. We were forced to look at the stark reality of the aftermath of the 2020 and 2021 demolitions, and figure out what we were going to do about it.

Pluto 2020

Since April we have been trying to find the light in the darkness.  We have been taking time to see what remains in the ruins of what "we used to know".  

I personally have turned 2020 and 2021 over in my mind numerous times, trying to find a new way forward (Pluto is a wee bit obsessive).  It's like having a little box of leftovers from a fire, or your childhood, or on a desert island ... and trying to figure out what you can build with the random disparate items in it.

We have been faced with reality in all its gory glory, and been forced to find the truth in our stories. And if you tried to hide from your own reality, Pluto vibes probably kicked you in the ass and made you notice.  

As per the Pluto Rx article, we had to decide what to leave behind, what limitations to shatter, and what to do with our darkest fears. That stuff had to die, to make way for the new growth.

That super power you've been hiding from yourself, its probably out now, and you more than likely know exactly what it is! It doesn't have to be used in a way that is distasteful to you though, you can own it and wear it anyway you want to. That's the point, its for you to wield, your way!

I'm not talking about suddenly sprouting fire from your fingers.  I'm referring to those quiet characteristics people have been telling you that you are good at for years, and you always pooh-pah'd their comments.  Perhaps someone said you command a room well, but in your head you hated public speaking and thought you were awful at it, so you dismissed their compliment.

Maybe when you are at private gatherings you are always the star of the show, and everyone flocks to you.  They laugh at your jokes and listen to your advice.  Perhaps you've never noticed this, but that is called commanding a room.  You may not like public speaking at work, but that doesn't mean you are bad at it.  You simply need to find a setting  that you enjoy, so you can shine your super power!

Now: Pluto goes direct

We are now exiting the dark night of the soul, moving towards the stark light of day.  We have done our dismantling and painful growing, and are ready to march forward - all the stronger for it.  We have been forged in the fires of the Phoenix, and are now ready to fly.  We have faced our fears, broken through the veil, and know our own truth and power.  We can now proceed in that authentic strength. 

These 7 months have been heavy, deadly, and transformative.  We are the surviving warriors of our internal quest, and we are ready to fight, battle scars and all!

Let this power come to the fore, let your light shine.  It cost you a trip to the underworld to get it! Acknowledge it, use it, wield it as the super power it is. I promise you, acknowledging your power is worth it!

Pluto goes direct

Saturn's story

Saturn went retrograde on the 23 May, and turned direct on 10/11 October.

General Saturn Transits

Saturn transits are biggies! Saturn transits are steady, and regular - around 7 years.  Think back to when you were 7 years old, 14, 21, and 28.  You probably started a new school, a new job, moved out, got committed to a partnership, bought a house and/or had a baby.  All the traditional big, life-changing things. 

Saturn transits are not exactly 7 years though, it changes for everyone depending on Saturn's speed.  So, if you round it off, and factor in the affects before and after the exact transit, you probably had some or other big change around 30.  I have had quite a few clients born in 1990 who have had huge changes in the last year or two!

Saturn represents structure - the bones in our body, and the walls that hold up our house.  It involves routines, good habits, and long-term plans for the future.  When Saturn is retrograde, it asks you to  review those plans, really consider what you've signed up for very carefully.  Is it right - for you?

Looking back to learn from last year

Saturn went retrograde from May to September in 2020 (read here). Many of us were prioritizing our resources, and trying to make good decisions to take us forward in this upside down new way of living.

Saturn was also one of the key players in the epic 2020 transformative cycles.  The biggest cycle began in December 2020 (read here) when Saturn and Jupiter it moved into Aquarius, a new epoch, and the start of an epic 200 year cycle.

The current 2021 transits

"Working from home, I could never do that!". In 2020 many had to.  Come 2021, many couldn't wait to get back to the office and how it "used to be".  Some folks happily returned to the office, then realised there was an awful commute, less bonding with the kids, no more "soft clothes", and exhausting office politics. 

Retro Saturn: 23 May to 10 October 2021

While Saturn has been retrograde for the past 5 months, we were given the opportunity to review what we thought we knew, and adjust it to be more authentic and sustainable. 

If we had to work at home for increased peace of mind, how did we make it better?  What did we need to make it work? Perhaps we got a better office setup, made time for lunch breaks, and worked in a dedicated part of the house during work hours.

We created more authentic structures, habits, and ways of being in the world that rang true to our souls.  We reviewed, re-imagined, and refined the world around us, so that we felt more in control.

What part of your life have you overhauled, changed, and rebuilt to suit you better?

Saturn in Aquarius
Now: Saturn goes direct

As I said, Saturn is a biggie!  It relates to 'The world' card in the tarot.  It is the mortal coil, and everything that has form in our life.

We have changed, reconsidered, refined, and now have our foundation to build on as we move forward in this new way of being. 

There is a weird little caveat though, Aquarius is about ingenuity, revolution and evolution.  It is about how we take what we know, and change it to make it better.  It is also about things that are bigger than us alone, it is about considering the world at large too.

This new Saturn cycle will by its very nature require us to keep reconsidering our options, improving them, and adjust our lives to be more authentic.

Feel and live into that improvement process. Ponder your ideas, don't dismiss them.  Be brave, and change your world if you need to - that's how we all make the world a better place!

Wishing you a powerful and steadfast true-to-you journey as we forge forward in this adventure called life!

Liezl@ Astral Hippie Astrology


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